Having met our cultural learning obligations, we popped in at a promising looking restaurant next to the roundabout Turtle Lake was on, looking to grab some lunch. However, when we tried to order the waiter communicated, through a mix of pointing and head-shaking, that no food was being served, only drinks. Disappointed, we all ordered a drink, then headed to our next stop, the Saigon Language School, on foot, grabbing a banh mi each for lunch. At the SLS, Mum paid half of the total fee and organized when our English lessons were going to be. With that cleared up, we left by bus again for Metro, the supermarket we had visited, after talking to a lady who wanted to say hello at the bus stop. Once at Metro, Mum showed her passport in order to get a day pass (Metro is similar to Gilmours in that you have to join and become a member, or do what we did and show our passports for a temporary membership) and we went through, just buying a few things we needed as we still had distance left to travel and didn't want to carry too much.
All finished, we left by taxi to our final destination, Souled Out, the church youth group. Sadly, I am the only boy older than 13 or so, but that can't be helped. Once youth group was over, we stayed around a bit to talk to the family who runs it, then headed home.
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